stop motion + algorithms
Overarching Concept for the Lesson/Unit: Expression on the Interwebs
Grade Level: 5
Essential Questions:
Why do we use visual representations like gifs and emojis when we communicate digitally? Who is making them? How do we find and share them?
VA8PR.3 Produces an array of two-dimensional and three-dimensional artistic processes and techniques using a variety of media and technology.d. Uses technology to produce original works of art (e.g., digital photo montage on a personally or socially compelling theme)
MM1P4. Students will make connections among mathematical ideas and to other disciplines
CSS.CT.6-8.36 Understand and use the basic steps in algorithmic problem solving in computing and other authentic applications
With a selection of colors of sticky notes and a mobile application for creating stop motion videos, students will design and create an animated gif to share using algorithmic thinking.
Assessment Instruments:
worksheet (attached)
rubric (attached)